
What type of property can Asbestos Audit inspect?

The property types with regards to asbestos works are typically split down as follows:

  • Residential

  • Commercial

  • Industrial

    Asbestos Audit Ltd are fully accredited by UKAS to undertake asbestos surveys and asbestos inspections to HSG-264 on all types of property and structures.


Residential properties are any form of dwelling property. They can be single room flats up to large country homes or blocks of flats.

We can assist home owners, land lords and housing associations or new home buyers in assessing the asbestos located within their properties. Our team has a large amount of experience in the surveying of homes for asbestos to the highest possible standards.

Depending upon the needs of the client we can provide Management Asbestos Surveys, Refurbishment Asbestos Surveys or Demolition Asbestos Surveys. We are fully accredited by UKAS for undertaking all types of asbestos surveys within Residential properties.

Asbestos can be located within any property built before the end of 1999. The typical types of asbestos located in residential properties can range from very low risk products to very high risk in some cases. Our asbestos surveyors can help you determine the asbestos risks within your home and come up with the most cost effective way of dealing with the problem.

Currently it is not a legal requirement to undertake an asbestos survey within residential proprieties under the current regulations. However we do strongly recommend that you consider having a survey if you are unsure of the structure of the building or will be carrying out works on unknown materials. If in doubt its always better to be safe than sorry and undertake a survey. If you have contractors working in your property they should be undertaking works to the current regulations. The rules for a home owner carrying out works are not the same as a contractor carrying out works and using employees.

For more information please do not hesitate to contact us on 0191 354 5870 or email for more information.

Commercial Property 

The term commercial property covers a wide range of buildings and structures. It could be a corner shop or a large commercial shopping centre to a hospital or a police station. They all fall under the same Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and requirements in terms of asbestos management. From April 2004 on wards it became a legal duty to have an asbestos register and associated Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) for any building built before the end of 1999.

In order to produce an accurate AMP it is essential to have an asbestos survey of the property. This is to ensure the asbestos within the commercial building is properly identified and recorded in the correct manner to allow any AMP created to work as the regulations state.

At Asbestos Audit Ltd we have a vast knowledge of surveying commercial buildings for asbestos of all types and ages. Our team has worked upon some of the U.K.’s famous structures including The Houses of Parliament. The team is currently working on a number of hospitals, police and MOD buildings alongside a large number of local authority structures. We have also recently undertaken inspections for a large local retail outlets alongside the pre-demolition of the town centre shopping structure in Spennymoor with over 60 commercial shop units.

Commercial properties have the potential to contain all types of asbestos containing materials within them.

Asbestos Audit Ltd assists with all aspects of asbestos management for our clients Commercial properties. This could range from first time asbestos surveys, pre-refurbishment asbestos surveys, pre-demolition asbestos surveys, creation of the site AMP and everyday management, Asbestos Abatement to general asbestos advice and information.

We are always happy to assist with any asbestos problem you may face.

Industrial Property

When asking people about asbestos and where it will be located Industrial Properties are often the first place they think of. Industrial properties covers anything from Factories to Power stations to Steelworks. It can also include large structural buildings such as Dams and other related structures. Like with Commercial Properties it is a legal requirement to have an asbestos register and AMP for all Industrial Properties build before the end of 1999.

At Asbestos Audit we have undertaken numerous asbestos surveys on all types of industrial properties. We have recently completed the full pre-demolition asbestos survey for a power station and associated CHP plant alongside a number of water pumping stations, factories and old shipyard structures.

Industrial properties have the potential to contain all types of asbestos containing materials potentially in very poor conditions.

If you need assistance with asbestos surveys of industrial properties please do not hesitate to contact us.